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Week 4-Module 4 Discussion

Week 4-Module 4 Discussion

Q Discussion Assignment: READ Case Study 3.2 on pp. 89-91 in Chapter 3 of the textbook. After reading all chapter assignments for this week, AND after watching all the assigned videos on the Module 4 course page, please answer the following THREE questions for Scenarios 1-2: 1. What should Escobar do? (Scenario 1) 2. Was Kentucky College wrong to admit more students than it could house comfortably? (Scenario 2) 3. Was the housing director justified in refusing to reduce fees for those students forced to live in substandard conditions? (Scenario 2)

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Reading case 3.2, I would like to mention that, 1. Escobar should not develop any intention to completely remove all the trees, rather he should go with the decision to plant more new trees in those place from where he did completely remove away the tress (Johnson, 2016). This is mainly because, it takes a huge scale of time might be years for trees to grow completely and be matured. Also besides this he should figure out those places where he can make additional planting of the new trees so that the natural beauty of the place does not gets change.